This vacuum handling equipment was specially developed to move materials in narrow places and to work with power autonomy. It has a capacity of up to 100 kg.
The Mobile Unit AL-Pack BAT (MAP-BAT) is also a mobile, vacuum material handling system, which has basically the same characteristics and features as the Mobile Unit MAP. The only difference between them is that the Mobile Unit MAP-BAT has a battery set that makes it a standalone unit, totally independent from the electrical part of any vehicle, and the Mobile Unit MAP does not.
The batteries are 24V, have enough autonomy for up to 4h of consecutive work, and come with a charger. Included among the many optional features that AL-Lift offers are an extra set of batteries, ideal for cases where the Mobile Unit MAP-BAT needs to work in two shifts. Simply attach the unit to a pallet jack and immediately start benefiting from its ergonomics and process optimization.